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Corporate & Commercial

MONCO is frequently engaged by SMEs, corporations and governmental agencies for its expansive knowledge and experience in corporate and commercial matters. 


MONCO provides practical and comprehensive advice in various kind of businesses and arrangements which is exclusively tailored to cater to its clients’ needs.


MONCO offers diverse corporate and commercial services applicable to a broad range of clients including but not limited to-

(a) Business Law

We provide legal support to small and medium-sized business owners particularly for applications for permits and licenses, identification of legal risks, engagement with the authorities and general advisory.


(b) Company Law

Our in-depth knowledge of industry-specific regulations helps our team to offer our clients comprehensive services regardless of the industry or complexity.  Our team’s multidisciplinary expertise enables us to offer solutions to our clients’ legal challenges including matters relating to company incorporation, corporate governance and statutory compliance.


(c) Regulatory Compliance

Our regulatory compliance service covers the full spectrum of compliance issues concerning the laws and regulations in Malaysia including-

  • Data protection and data privacy
  • Banking and finance
  • Property development
  • Telecommunications and utilities

We assist our clients to review documents, policies and guidelines as we understand that compliance risks have become a significant concern for businesses. 


(d) Legal Due Diligence

In the context of the Malaysian capital market, due diligence refers to the process by which persons must conduct enquiries for the purposes of timely, sufficient and accurate disclosure of all material statements, information or documents which are required under Part VI of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007.


Our lawyers are trusted by numerous institutional clients to conduct this particular exercise in fulfilling the requirements set by the Securities Commission of Malaysia.


(e) Corporate & Commercial

Our team is adept at drafting and reviewing various commercial agreements including but not limited to distributorship and logistics agreements, technical services agreements, partnership agreements, stockist agreements, investment agreements and sale of goods agreements.


(f) General Corporate Advisory

We regularly advice our clients on corporate commercial laws relating to their ongoing business ventures.  We assist our clients in their daily business routine including but not limited to-

  • Business contract negotiations
  • Corporate law and governance requirements
  • Employment and real estate matters
  • Asset and business transfers
  • Regulatory compliance and approvals


(g) Amendment of Laws

We are regularly engaged by governmental agencies and statutory bodies to conduct law reform exercises on their governing Acts of Parliament as well as subsidiary legislations in order to keep abreast of recent developments in their respective industries.


Our scope of service includes providing legal opinion on the viability of the proposed amendments, drafting the amendment laws in accordance with the required standards and general advisory on the gazettement procedures.


Notable transactions-

  • Advising statutory bodies in connection with their proposed legislative amendments to their subsidiary legislations and providing the draft amendments in connection thereto.
  • Conducting a due diligence exercise for a State government agency in relation to its commercial exercise in purchasing properties in the Middle East.
  • Drafting and reviewing various commercial agreements, including joint venture agreement, white label agreement, agency and distribution agreements and broker agreements for private and public listed companies.


(h) Information, communication & Technology