Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Negotiator or Broker?
Whether it is for settling down, shelter, marriage and even investment, all of these are reasons for a person to buy a property. In this
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Whether it is for settling down, shelter, marriage and even investment, all of these are reasons for a person to buy a property. In this
No. Question Answer What is an estate? Estate refers to the property of a deceased person, which includes both moveable and immovable property. Examples of
No. Soalan Jawapan Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan harta pusaka? Harta pusaka ialah harta peninggalan si mati iaitu harta alih dan harta tak alih. Contoh harta
No. Question Answer 1. What is Hibah? Hibah is a gift made to someone during the donor’s lifetime. 2. What is Wasiat? Wasiat is
No. Soalan Jawapan 1. Apa maksud Hibah? Hibah adalah Hadiah kepada seseorang yang dibuat semasa pemberi masih hidup. 2. Apa maksud Wasiat? Wasiat adalah
No. Question Answer 1. What is retention sum? Retention sum or ‘wang taruhan’ in Malay is defined as money amounting to 5% from the
No. Soalan Jawapan 1. Apa maksud ‘retention sum’? ‘Retention sum’ atau dalam Bahasa Melayu ialah wang taruhan bermaksud duit yang dipegang oleh peguam sebagai
1. What is Caveat? There are 2 types of caveats: a registrar’s caveat and a private caveat. The registrar’s caveat and private caveat do the
1. INTRODUCTION A land title issued by a land office is a document that lays out the details of the owner of a land or
1. INTRODUCTION A Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) is a legally binding contract outlining the agreed upon conditions between a buyer and seller of a property.
If you wish to buy a house or any property with a price exceeding your own savings, you may apply for a financing facility to
Jika anda berhasrat untuk membeli rumah atau apa-apa hartanah yang harganya melebihi simpanan terkini anda, anda boleh membuat permohonan kepada mana-mana institusi kewangan untuk memohon
The Sale and Purchase Agreement for any purchase of real estate shall be stamped at the Inland Revenue Board (“IRB”) office. This stamping process for
Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli & Anor v Mohamad bin Nohing (Batin Kampung Bukit Rok) & Ors and Another Appeal [2015] 6 MLJ
Kerajaan Malaysia & Anor v NRAR [2024] 5 MLRA 703 Court of Appeal Tort – Negligence – Medical Negligence – Quantum of Damages Facts
TSE (P) v HSJ [2021] 4 MLJ 210 Court of Appeal, Putrajaya Family Law – Children – Change of child’s surname – Surname
NCMD lwn. ARC [2019] 4 SHLR 45 Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah (Shah Alam) Pengesahan Wasiat Fakta Kes 1. Pemohon telah memulakan prosiding pengesahan wasiat yang telah
W v. PSS [2019] SLRHU 11 Syariah High Court of Selangor (Shah Alam) An Appeal Against Detention Sentence Facts of the case 1. The
BER: SR [2017] SLRAU 45 Selangor Syariah Court of Appeal (Shah Alam) Appeal to Set Aside an Inheritance (Faraid) Order Facts of the case
AWAI v MM [2022] 2 SHLR 1 Syariah High Court (Shah Alam) Jurisdiction of Pronouncement of Divorce by Ta’liq Facts of the case 1.
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